Sunday, May 29, 2011

Undecided on Life

When I first started college, I went into my freshman year thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to major in film. That's all I had thought about during my late high school years. Films had inspired me and I was constantly researching films to fill my head with random facts about the movie industry. I wanted to be a big-time movie producer. While I was taking my second film class, I realized how unhappy I was with the class. It made me completely hate film. It wasn't inspiring me to keep trudging forward with my film major. Even though I passed the class, I decided that a film major wasn't for me. I felt like a complete failure. This was what I had wanted to do with my life, so why was I giving up just after my second film class? I consulted with my friend who is on her way to becoming a movie producer. She works at Disney studios and got the job without having a film major. I was instantly relieved. She said to become a producer movie studios would look for someone who attended a four year university and majored in communications or english. Just because I'm not majoring in film doesn't mean I can't still achieve my dream. I have now changed my major to communications (I was minoring in communications) and I have enjoyed every class I have taken so far.

I tend to dream big. I would rather be poor and love my job than absolutely hate my job and be filthy rich. That's just how I'm wired. There are so many more dreams I have besides taking a stab at the movie business. Here's just a sample of all the things I would like to accomplish in my life. Dream big or go home, right? 

- editor of a fashion magazine 
- be on broadway...yes I'm a theatre junkie...aka nerd. (I had thought about majoring in theatre or voice way before I thought about film)
- personal stylist 
- designer 

I just have so many ideas that I want to share with everyone! I know to a lot of people, these are not realistic goals. But in my eyes, when I set my mind to it I can accomplish anything. I don't care how many people throw their negative comments in my face, I will achieve my goals. 


  1. It's great that you have such big dreams. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. As of right now I'm kind of in a rut switching my career path everyday. But that is so great that you have some direction in life and I hope you get to achieve all of your wildest dreams one day.

  2. Chelsea, I totally know where you are at not knowing what you want to do. It has literally taken me years to figure out what direction I was going to go in and am still nailing it down. I always knew I wanted to do something with graphic design and photography, but wasn't sure I would be good enough in either alone only because I didn't know everything that people my age already knew about them. I've changed schools, changed majors, changed locations and it took all of that to finally get me going in the right direction. Loving what I do is also more important to me than making a lot of money, much like yourself. I think it scared me to think that I would be deciding what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life. I have finally decided that I don't have to just choose one thing, I can do both. After the summer, I am hopefully transferring to SCAD Online and then majoring in Graphic Design. In my spare time or when I'm finished with my degree, I can take photography classes in Charlotte and learn what I want to without having to get a full degree in it. Even though you will major in English or Communications, it will help you if you do decide later on you don't want to do film. Just having the degree alone will help you, but you can go into so many other things with that degree as well as help you in the long run getting into film. I hope you figure out what direction you want to go in and know that you don't have to narrow it down to just one thing! :)

  3. Chelsea, I applaud you for figuring out what makes you happy and going for it. I'm about to graduate in December and still don't know if I'm completely satisfied with my major (English). Sometimes I wonder if what I'm doing is really for me. Therefore, anyone who has figured it out and as you said "rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable" (it was something along those lines) is well on their way to lifelong success and happiness. I say keep doing what your doing because you seem like your loving life. And if anyone else has a problem with that... who cares. I’m sure they are one of those miserable people you were speaking of haha.

  4. I have had the same feeling as you. When I first started college I was a marine biology major but I hated it as well. I didn't go to class and I only tried to pass the class, not to make the grade. I finally decided I would take a creative writing class that my father had been urging me to do. Ever since I've been a creative writing major with a journalism minor. I really want to move to New York City and work as a professor at NYU or as an Editor at a poetry magazine. It's good to strive for greatness. And it doesn't matter what you choose to do in life just as long as you enjoy it. For the past couple of years I have joked that I'll probably end up living in a box whenever I get out of school. What can you really do with a creative writing major? But I am staying positive and am going to keep pushing forward towards New York. Who knows? Maybe one day I can be the next great poet?
