Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Traveling Gypsy

I have been craving for a vacation. I want to travel somewhere that is exotic, relaxing, and holds many adventures. If it were up to me, I would live out my suitcase. Traveling is a part of me. Within a few months of living in the same place, I'm ready to start a new adventure somewhere else. Not necessarily move to a different place, but travel somewhere I have yet to go. I grew up traveling, and it has made a huge impact on my life. I can't sit still to long in one place, or I will go crazy. And that stirring in my body has returned once again. Lately, I have been researching places to travel and it has led me to amazing places that will make your jaw drop with their pure beauty. Money, as always, is my hugest obstacle. If money grew on trees on would be in a different country every week. Here are some of the spectacular places I would love to visit: 

Madrid, Spain
I have visited Spain before and I felt instantly connected to it. I never had to pleasure of meeting my grandfather and he was from Spain, so I think thats why I felt such a strong connection with Spain. I always feel so in touch with my Spanish culture when I walk down the street. It's an amazing feeling. 

Cape Town, South Africa
I feel like this city has so much to offer with their beautiful beaches, and nighttime life. Cape town is a melting pot of different cultures....which I love!

Paris, France
Who doesn't want to go to Paris? 

Maldives Islands
I don't think I've ever seen anything this beautiful. Just look how clear the water is! If you have any spare time after you read this you should definitely google the Maldives Islands and gander at the pictures. Their pretty amazing.  


  1. I couldn't agree with you more traveling is one of my favorite activities too. But I think my problem with traveling is I get lonely very fast I need a companion to come along with me. No joke I have always dreamed of going to Maldives it's just so beautiful-- maybe a honeymoon trip? All the other places sound wonderful too. My parents just got back from Paris and said it's to die for. But unfortunately I am the only person of my family that has not ventured to Europe. My brother studied abroad in Spain last year and I was so jealous. I hope you get to travel to all those places one day. Good luck!

  2. Chelsea, I love traveling but hate flying! It's kind of ironic because my father is a pilot. I have traveled a lot and still have yet to visit Spain or Paris. The last place I went was the Dominican Republic and Cozumel, Mexico. Talk about crystal clear water! Cozumel was really fun and I even got to experience riding an underwater scooter. It was amazing. My brother is about to move to Alaska so I think that would be a fun place to visit. I tend to do better in warmer weather (hints why I chose the beach for school). If you ever need a hook-up on airline tickets, let me know! Safe travels!

  3. I love this! I have actually been to all of these places you mention besides Cape Town. Like you, i love to travel! I was actually born in New York, lived there for 2 weeks and then ended up moving to Milan, Italy for the next 17 years before moving to Wilmington to go to college at UNCW. That was the best decision I ever made! I love living in the US, even though Italy will always be my home, which is also why you should add it on your list! But between the 4 placed I would have to say that the Maldives was my favorite by far! I've been there twice and EVERYTHING is amazing! The ocean is soo clear full of many colorful fish and the sand feels amazing as well! Everyone should visit the Maldives at least once in their life!

  4. I really liked reading this post Chelsea. I am totally with you on the traveling thing. Sometimes I want to just leave everything behind for a little while and just travel and find a little adventure. The places that you mentioned all seem amazinggg. I looked up a few pictures of the maldives, and like you said, it is jaw-dropping. I really don't travel any where near as much as I would like to (due to funding) but those maldives are definitely on my list now.

  5. Traveling has always been a huge part of my life as well. I think the favorite place I've ever gone, though, has got to be Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It's on the western coast of Mexico. I think it was my favorite place though because of the chance I had to go scuba diving. It was on a cruise and the ship offers an excursion for people who are not certified to experience the wonders of scuba. I was scared at first. The feeling when you sink to the bottom (you have weight belts on that make you sink quicker when you deflate your scuba vest) is that of sheer terror for me.I couldn't understand why I was breathing underwater and not drowning. It was only when I was seated on the bottom of the pacific ocean, holding hands with my companions did I finally calm down. There is so much wonder to see in the ocean. I'm glad I got to experience them first hand.

  6. I love to travel as well and I'm always planning ahead. Right now I'm working out an extended trip to Australia in January so that has been taking up a lot of my time and I have been loving every second. I don't have any family members from Stockholm, Sweden but that is where I felt and instant connection. It just felt like everything was made for me and it felt as close to perfect as any place I've ever been. The Maldives look beautiful but I'm not really one for tropical locations, haha. I really want to travel through southern Asia eventually but other than that, I'm ready to go wherever the wind takes me!
