Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do you know your ABC's?

Thanks to, I came across this "ABC challenge". I remember a lot of people used to do them back in the day, so I decided to revive them. Enjoy :)

A - Available or married? 100 % available. Is it bad that I feel like I'm too busy to take on a relationship, sometimes? 
B- Book? No one can have just ONE favorite book! So here's a couple of my favorite: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Da Vinci Code, P.S. I Love You, The Giver, The BFG, Little Women, and the play Angels in America.  
C- Cake or Pie? Let's see. I can't remember the last time I ate a piece of pie. I don't usually eat cake unless it's for a celebration. So I'm going to say brownies. 
D- Drink of Choice? Nothing quenches my thirst more than water! Although lately I have been obsessed with Vitamin Water, it's beyond amazing.
E- Essential Item? My mac laptop. I'm seriously addicted to it. It's kinda of pathetic. 
F- Favorite Color? Navy or Teal. 
G- Game to play or watch? Tennis is my favorite sport to play. I have to admit I'm pretty good at it. I think that's why it's my favorite sport to play. 

H- Hometown? My hometown is stuck-up and small. I had to get out of there. A lot of people there think that are better than everyone else they have ever met. 
I- Indulgence? Bad, poorly made movies. My latest indulgence: The Roommate. 
J- Job? This reminds me....I need to get a job. 
K- Kids and names? No kids now, but I definitely see them in my future. 
L- Life is incomplete without? My family, friends, and laptop. Yes, my laptop. 
M- Music group or singer? Once again, I have a ton. So here's a sample: GAGA, Mumford&Sons, Adele, Jessie J, Coldplay, Florence + The Machine, Rufus Wainwright, She&Him, Vampire Weekend, and anything Broadway.
N- Number of siblings? Zero. Nada. Zilch. 
O- Oranges or apples? Apples. 
P- Phobias/Fears? I don't have many fears and the few I have I try not to let them hold me back. As far as Phobias go...I'm extremely claustrophobic. 
Q- Favorite Quote? "Love? All you need is love. Love is like oxygen. Love lifts us up to where we belong. All you need is love."- Moulin Rouge 
R- Reason to Smile? I can honestly say I'm smiling 95% of the time. I'm constantly laughing. 

S- Season? Winter. Sometimes I can't handle all this heat..and neither can my hair. 
T- Tattoos? I don't have any now, but I plan on getting my first one in a couple of months. I'm super stoked :) 
U- Unknown fact about me? I'm half Mexican. A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them that! They usually think I am either Italian (which I am a fourth of), or Greek. I love being a little mutt. 
V- Vegetable you love? Salad, salad, and salad. 
W- Worst habit? Not taking out the trash. There's just something about it that I HATE. 
X- X-Rays you've had? I've never had an X-Ray. 
Y- Your favorite food? Favorite Meal: Grilled chicken with pasta. The end. 
Z- Zodiac? Aries. 


  1. Chelsea,
    I thought this was a fun blog post! I feel like I "know" you now. :) We have a lot in common. I also love the book, Little Women! I used to watch that movie all the time when I was younger. I also love tennis. It's a great stress-reliever sometimes. Salads are delicious! I love the stumbleupon website, it's great.

  2. I agree with Lydia I think this blog post is really fun. It reminds me of myspace days with posts or facebook notes. Its fun to look through all these things I actually have to think about them. And I love your favorite quote, being the hopeless romantic that I am. And not to mention I love that movie!

  3. I used to love doing these! You and I have a very similar taste in music. If you haven't heard of her already, you should totally check out Eliza Doolittle. She has been my obsession since Christmastime and a lot of her music is beyond perfect for driving around in the summer. I'm also pretty sure that we must come from the same hometown, haha. Not really but I completely understand where you're coming from. Most of the people my age have gotten out of here so it's not as bad now as it used to be when I come home for breaks. If you like bad movies, you should watch American Mall. I got my copy at Big Lots for a dollar and it was a stellar purchase. My friends and I get chinese takeout sometimes and watch it. It's like a super horrible, slightly raunchier, ridiculous version of High School Musical set in, you guessed it, a mall. This was a fun post and it makes me want to scour the Internet to find one to do myself!

  4. Dang,
    And instantly all those past memories of doing these when I was much much younger! I like some of the stuff you have here, but some of your other stuff is unthinkable to me. I think we got off to a good start with the love of brownies. And these music choices are veeery nice. But your favorite drink is water?...Unacceptable. I mean, have you ever had chocolate milk!?..that stuff is deliciousss, Haha!

  5. I feel like I'm back in middle school again and I have a live journal. These were all I did when I was that age normally when I was lovesick over another boy (haha!). These are great and I actually considered copying and pasting the whole thing and doing it for you but then I thought, man she doesn't want to be bored so I didn't. But I am going to do a couple, you know, just for good measure.
    -Phobias/Fears? I am deathly afraid of grasshoppers. Something about them really creeps me out. I'm also really afraid of the dark. I cant be in it by myself for more than a few minutes otherwise I'll have a panic attack.
    -Reason to smile? I have the best girlfriend in the entire world. I cant not get a text from her without smiling.
    -Favorite Food? Chester's Flaming Hot Fries/Cheetos. Anything hot has got my name on it!

  6. I thought your post was pretty cool I used to like doing these list when I still had a myspace. I also am an aries not that I know what that means other than I was born in early April. Plus the Giver was my favorite book in fifth grade. Awesome!
