Friday, June 17, 2011

Theater. Lights. Action.

I can't believe this is our last blog post. I swear, time flies so fast. I can't even keep up with it anymore. Honestly, I have enjoyed reading everyone's blog post's so much. Everyone is so unique in their own ways. I haven't read a blogpost that I don't enjoy. I enjoy every single one of them. that that's out the way, let's get rolling on my finial blogpost.
Ever since I was little I been belting out Broadway tunes. It's just always been apart of me. It's werid because I don't know how I got so hooked on Broadway musicals. My parents were always feeding disco and rock&roll in my ear, not Broadway. Don't get me wrong I love...LOVE disco and classic rock&roll, but Broadway was in my soul. I started doing musicals a very eary age and did them until my senior year in high school. Suddenly, I just stopped. No reason...I just stopped. Recently, I have been missing the stage. Words can't even describe how I crave to be on the stage. When I'm on the stage it feels like the world stops for a moment and all eyes are on me. It's the best feeling in the entire world. I want nothing more than to be in spotlight again. I love how the spotlight is slightly blinding at first, but then within seconds it feels like home.I plan on soon getting in to shows again. I need to find local theaters that hold auditions for upcoming musicals. I'll take anything. I don't care if I get a lead, or land a role in the company. (A lead would be nice thought :) ) I just want a chance to grace the stage once again.
I'm about to switch gears here a bit, so stay with me! It still has to do with Broadway, so I thought I should write about it! The other night The Tony's were on. For those of you who don't know what the Tony Awards' are it's basically the Academy Awards of theater. It was incrediable this year. I loved every performance. My favorite I have to say was The Book of Mormon. I had heard so much talk about this risky musical. It's basically a show about a Mormon missionary who is sent on a mission to Africa. It's written by the creator's of South Park...that should tell you something. It's beyond funny. Yes, it is slightly....ok greatly making fun of the Mormons, but it still is extremely humerous. I have a few Mormon friends and I'm not sure how they take it, but some of them think it is funny. I try to put myself in their shows and think, "Would I laugh at a show that made fun of my religion?" My answer is YES! I think Broadway musicals should be taken lightly. This is a comedy musical that is supposed to be funny and make fun of people. However it still holds a lot of heart in it. When a show has a perfect mix of comedy and heart the result outstanding.Religion is a very touchy subject with a lot of people, so that is why this show is starting controversy. I wanted to see what other people's take would be about this show. Here is a clip!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do you know your ABC's?

Thanks to, I came across this "ABC challenge". I remember a lot of people used to do them back in the day, so I decided to revive them. Enjoy :)

A - Available or married? 100 % available. Is it bad that I feel like I'm too busy to take on a relationship, sometimes? 
B- Book? No one can have just ONE favorite book! So here's a couple of my favorite: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Da Vinci Code, P.S. I Love You, The Giver, The BFG, Little Women, and the play Angels in America.  
C- Cake or Pie? Let's see. I can't remember the last time I ate a piece of pie. I don't usually eat cake unless it's for a celebration. So I'm going to say brownies. 
D- Drink of Choice? Nothing quenches my thirst more than water! Although lately I have been obsessed with Vitamin Water, it's beyond amazing.
E- Essential Item? My mac laptop. I'm seriously addicted to it. It's kinda of pathetic. 
F- Favorite Color? Navy or Teal. 
G- Game to play or watch? Tennis is my favorite sport to play. I have to admit I'm pretty good at it. I think that's why it's my favorite sport to play. 

H- Hometown? My hometown is stuck-up and small. I had to get out of there. A lot of people there think that are better than everyone else they have ever met. 
I- Indulgence? Bad, poorly made movies. My latest indulgence: The Roommate. 
J- Job? This reminds me....I need to get a job. 
K- Kids and names? No kids now, but I definitely see them in my future. 
L- Life is incomplete without? My family, friends, and laptop. Yes, my laptop. 
M- Music group or singer? Once again, I have a ton. So here's a sample: GAGA, Mumford&Sons, Adele, Jessie J, Coldplay, Florence + The Machine, Rufus Wainwright, She&Him, Vampire Weekend, and anything Broadway.
N- Number of siblings? Zero. Nada. Zilch. 
O- Oranges or apples? Apples. 
P- Phobias/Fears? I don't have many fears and the few I have I try not to let them hold me back. As far as Phobias go...I'm extremely claustrophobic. 
Q- Favorite Quote? "Love? All you need is love. Love is like oxygen. Love lifts us up to where we belong. All you need is love."- Moulin Rouge 
R- Reason to Smile? I can honestly say I'm smiling 95% of the time. I'm constantly laughing. 

S- Season? Winter. Sometimes I can't handle all this heat..and neither can my hair. 
T- Tattoos? I don't have any now, but I plan on getting my first one in a couple of months. I'm super stoked :) 
U- Unknown fact about me? I'm half Mexican. A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them that! They usually think I am either Italian (which I am a fourth of), or Greek. I love being a little mutt. 
V- Vegetable you love? Salad, salad, and salad. 
W- Worst habit? Not taking out the trash. There's just something about it that I HATE. 
X- X-Rays you've had? I've never had an X-Ray. 
Y- Your favorite food? Favorite Meal: Grilled chicken with pasta. The end. 
Z- Zodiac? Aries. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Traveling Gypsy

I have been craving for a vacation. I want to travel somewhere that is exotic, relaxing, and holds many adventures. If it were up to me, I would live out my suitcase. Traveling is a part of me. Within a few months of living in the same place, I'm ready to start a new adventure somewhere else. Not necessarily move to a different place, but travel somewhere I have yet to go. I grew up traveling, and it has made a huge impact on my life. I can't sit still to long in one place, or I will go crazy. And that stirring in my body has returned once again. Lately, I have been researching places to travel and it has led me to amazing places that will make your jaw drop with their pure beauty. Money, as always, is my hugest obstacle. If money grew on trees on would be in a different country every week. Here are some of the spectacular places I would love to visit: 

Madrid, Spain
I have visited Spain before and I felt instantly connected to it. I never had to pleasure of meeting my grandfather and he was from Spain, so I think thats why I felt such a strong connection with Spain. I always feel so in touch with my Spanish culture when I walk down the street. It's an amazing feeling. 

Cape Town, South Africa
I feel like this city has so much to offer with their beautiful beaches, and nighttime life. Cape town is a melting pot of different cultures....which I love!

Paris, France
Who doesn't want to go to Paris? 

Maldives Islands
I don't think I've ever seen anything this beautiful. Just look how clear the water is! If you have any spare time after you read this you should definitely google the Maldives Islands and gander at the pictures. Their pretty amazing.  

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Undecided on Life

When I first started college, I went into my freshman year thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to major in film. That's all I had thought about during my late high school years. Films had inspired me and I was constantly researching films to fill my head with random facts about the movie industry. I wanted to be a big-time movie producer. While I was taking my second film class, I realized how unhappy I was with the class. It made me completely hate film. It wasn't inspiring me to keep trudging forward with my film major. Even though I passed the class, I decided that a film major wasn't for me. I felt like a complete failure. This was what I had wanted to do with my life, so why was I giving up just after my second film class? I consulted with my friend who is on her way to becoming a movie producer. She works at Disney studios and got the job without having a film major. I was instantly relieved. She said to become a producer movie studios would look for someone who attended a four year university and majored in communications or english. Just because I'm not majoring in film doesn't mean I can't still achieve my dream. I have now changed my major to communications (I was minoring in communications) and I have enjoyed every class I have taken so far.

I tend to dream big. I would rather be poor and love my job than absolutely hate my job and be filthy rich. That's just how I'm wired. There are so many more dreams I have besides taking a stab at the movie business. Here's just a sample of all the things I would like to accomplish in my life. Dream big or go home, right? 

- editor of a fashion magazine 
- be on broadway...yes I'm a theatre junkie...aka nerd. (I had thought about majoring in theatre or voice way before I thought about film)
- personal stylist 
- designer 

I just have so many ideas that I want to share with everyone! I know to a lot of people, these are not realistic goals. But in my eyes, when I set my mind to it I can accomplish anything. I don't care how many people throw their negative comments in my face, I will achieve my goals. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sharp Curves Ahead

The topic I'm about to discuss is one that is very close to my heart. 
Body Image. I can honestly say that every girl I know has a body image problem. They always manage to find something wrong with their body. If it's not their nose, it's their boobs. If it's not their thighs, then it's their stomach.Why does everyone strive to be that perfect, skinny size 2 girl? Lots of girls are so insecure with their bodies that some will go to dangerous lengths to be skinny. So many women today have eating-disorders because they want to be perfect just like the women they see in magazines. Yes, the skinny women that we see in magazines and films are beautiful, but that doesn't mean you have to be just like them. Most of the women that are seen in magazines are photo shopped and airbrushed to obtain that perfection. Women are supposed to have curves. It's something that comes naturally to us. In today's society if a women has curves, then she is fat. I don't understand how our society has become so skewed in their thinking. We can thank Hollywood for drilling that "perfect" image into our heads, but lately Hollywood has been praising curves more and more. We can thank people like Christina Hendricks, Penelope Cruz, Kim Kardashian, Adele, and Kate Winslet for making it easier on women to accept their bodies just as they are. These ladies didn't fall into the stereotypical Hollywood image. They stood strong. They are real women who aren't ashamed with their curves. Are they fat? I think not. Girls should look at these women and feel inspired to be themselves. Women in Hollywood have the power to inspire girls to be healthy, and not dangerously skinny. Models do not help women feel comfortable in their skin. I understand that models are supposed to skinny, but can't they be healthy too? Why is it that a plus-size model is considered a size 6 or more? That's so stupid and ridiculous. A size 6 is not plus size. They have distorted all the sizes. I'm here to tell all the girls out there that they are beautiful and perfect just the way they are whether they are a size 00 or a size 24. As long as girls are beautiful and healthy inside and out then they will certainly flourish in life.

Christina Hendrick

Kim Kardashian

A dangerously skinny model